MATH 4321 Real Analysis, Fall 2024

MATH 4321 Fall 2024 Syllabus

Class meeting

Hall 219 MW 3:30pm – 4:45 pm

Office hours

Hall 314U 4:45 pm– 5:30 pm; Anytime by appointment (please email me)

Main Reference

Typed notes below

Suggested References:
  1. Bartle's Introduction to Real Analysis,
  2. Abbots Understanding Analysis,
  3. Laczkovich-Sos' Real Analysis: Foundations and Functions of One Variable,
  4. Pugh's Real Mathematical Analysis,
  5. Rudin's Principle of Mathematical Analysis
  6. "Survey Article: The real numbers–A survey of constructions." Rocky Mountain J. Math. 45 (3) 737 - 762, 2015.
Sets and Functions (Exercises)
- Sets
- Functions
The Natural numbers and countable sets (Exercises)
- The natural numbers
- Finite Sets
- Countable sets
- Sets Exercise Class
The real numbers (Exercises)
- Fields
- Intervals
Sequences and Series of Real numbers (Exercises)
- Sequences
- Properties of sequences
- Series
Topology of R (Exercises)
- Open sets
- Closed and compact sets
Limits (Exercises)
- Limits
Continuity (Exercises)
Derivatives (Exercises)

There will be a homework each week. These assessed questions will collectively count for 20% of your overall grade.


Exam 1 with *** Solutions ***

Exam 2 with *** Solutions ***

Exam 3 with *** Solutions ***

Final Exam w/solutions